Better Business

Helping the performance of founders, their teams and promising start-ups.

Jan 3, 2020

iminal Collective was out in Australia at the close of last year, a short while before the bushfires ravaged human and animal communities. Our thoughts are with everyone involved in that ongoing tragedy.

We were out in Sydney to partner with KPMG High Growth Ventures (HGV) and guide their teams through a three-day discovery program. The aim was to apply human performance principles to build better individuals, teams and companies. In short: to do better business.

We met and worked with so many cool people: leaders and partners from KPMG HGV, their enterprise members, and founders from the start-ups they work to supercharge. You don't need to be an astronaut, jazz saxophonist or Olympic athlete to push boundaries in performance and benefit from techniques designed to maximize human potential. We designed and applied experiences to develop performance across multiple business domains, covering individual performance principles, leadership, cognitive preparation skills, positive psychology, communication, creativity and how to be comfortable pushing past limits into zones of chaos, stress and the unknown. We had a blast accompanying the KPMG HGV teams on their journey. It goes to show that the principles that made Felix Baumgartner's jump from space are equally relevant to professionals in the world of business.

We're grateful to KPMG HGV for the opportunity and for this nice recap they put together. More of their programs and good work can be found here too.

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